The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.
NPI | Name | NPI Type | Primary Practice Address | Phone | Primary Taxonomy |
1538286836 | THOMAS J HADLEY | FRANKLIN, TN | 615-778-4066 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1811190796 | EMILY ALDRIDGE HAHN | GERMANTOWN, TN | 901-516-6791 | Preventive Medicine, Addiction Medicine | |
1871612515 | PAUL M HAIDAK | TULLAHOMA, TN | 931-841-3311 | General Practice | |
1760671655 | DARIN L. HALE | KNOXVILLE, TN | 865-985-7234 | Family Medicine | |
1366560104 | JOHN W. HALLFORD | FRANKLIN, TN | 615-778-4066 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1770589137 | DONALD LYNN HAMBY | CHATTANOOGA, TN | 423-498-2000 | Preventive Medicine, Addiction Medicine | |
1982720157 | CATHERINE M HARDIE | FRANKLIN, TN | 615-778-4066 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1811121924 | JOSHUA LIDELLE HARE | CHATTANOOGA, TN | 423-498-2000 | Preventive Medicine, Addiction Medicine | |
1629194139 | DONALD G HARFST | FRANKLIN, TN | 615-778-4066 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1699726653 | HARLINGEN PHYSICIAN NETWORK INC | HARLINGEN, TX | 956-389-6565 | Family Medicine | |
1982722211 | CYNTHIA HARRELL | FRANKLIN, TN | 615-778-4066 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1336298900 | MARK HARRIS | MEMPHIS, TN | 901-425-1880 | Family Medicine | |
1609997204 | SARAH HARVEY | FRANKLIN, TN | 615-778-4006 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1508181173 | MALGORZATA B. HASEK | MAYWOOD, IL | 708-216-9000 | General Practice | |
1043335409 | ALBERT P HATTEM | FRANKLIN, TN | 615-778-4066 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1437344595 | KAMRAN HAYEL-MOGHADAM | MOUNTAIN HOME, TN | 423-439-6464 | Preventive Medicine, Addiction Medicine | |
1932527090 | HEALOGICS SPECIALTY PHYSICIANS OF TENNESSEE, PLLC | CLARKSVILLE, TN | 931-502-3660 | Preventive Medicine, Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine | |
1992316590 | HEALTHSTAT INC ALEMITE JOHNSON CITY | CHARLOTTE, NC | 704-936-5546 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1710598313 | HEALTHSTAT INC COC COLA LAVERGNE | CHARLOTTE, NC | 704-936-5546 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1356952956 | HEALTHSTAT INC COCA COLA NASHVILLE | CHARLOTTE, NC | 704-936-5546 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1194336727 | HEALTHSTAT INC SYNALLOY BRISTOL METALS | CHARLOTTE, NC | 704-936-5546 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1780951897 | HEALTHSTAT ON-SITE CLINIC | CHARLOTTE, NC | 704-529-6161 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1366874604 | HEALTHSTAT ON-SITE CLINIC/PARKER HANNIFIN GREENVILLE | CHARLOTTE, NC | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | ||
1982114716 | HEALTHSTAT ONSITE CLINIC PARKDALE PLANT 16 | CHARLOTTE, NC | 704-935-5546 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1598371239 | HEALTHYME PLLC | JOHNSON CITY, TN | 423-218-2198 | Internal Medicine | |
1356520845 | IBRAHIM HEIBA | KINGSPORT, TN | 423-229-5448 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1902923196 | MICHAEL A. HILL | FRANKLIN, TN | 615-778-4066 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1760213029 | SARAH HILL | CHATTANOOGA, TN | 423-209-8000 | Preventive Medicine, Public Health & General Preventive Medicine | |
1962528943 | HEATHER M HOERSCH | FRANKLIN, TN | 615-778-4066 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1780709824 | ERIC HOLIFIELD | FRANKLIN, TN | 615-778-4066 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1659107688 | BRANDON HOLOMAN | ANTIOCH, TN | Preventive Medicine, Sports Medicine | ||
1114916251 | JEFFREY W HONEYCUTT | LEXINGTON, KY | 423-747-8426 | Radiology, Vascular & Interventional Radiology | |
1922587237 | BRITTANY NASHAY HOUSER | KNOXVILLE, TN | 865-215-5370 | Preventive Medicine, Public Health & General Preventive Medicine | |
1346240462 | LAYKOON TAN HUANG | KNOXVILLE, TN | 865-687-2277 | General Practice | |
1922020379 | JOHN W HUDSON | KNOXVILLE, TN | 865-544-9021 | Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery | |
1396866919 | LINDA HULL | FRANKLIN, TN | 615-778-4066 | Physical Therapist | |
1497809891 | TERRI LYNN HUNTER-WALKER | SMYRNA, TN | 615-459-1944 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1538924352 | ICARUS ADDICTION CARE | NASHVILLE, TN | 615-645-3013 | Clinic/Center, Medical Specialty | |
1932221827 | CAROL J IDDINS | OAK RIDGE, TN | 865-576-3131 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1154764876 | EDWARD GERARD ABANO IGLESIA | NASHVILLE, TN | 615-322-3000 | Allergy & Immunology | |
1760502165 | RONALD T. INDEN | FRANKLIN, TN | 615-778-4066 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1477858983 | INTEGRATED MEDICAL GROUP, PLLC | NASHVILLE, TN | 615-269-6355 | Preventive Medicine, Public Health & General Preventive Medicine | |
1366895716 | INTEGUMETRIX | NASHVILLE, TN | 844-673-6968 | Nurse Practitioner | |
1154436590 | TRACY P JACKSON | NASHVILLE, TN | 615-322-4311 | Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine | |
1629234521 | SANJIVINI VISHWAS JACOB | CHATTANOOGA, TN | 423-498-2000 | Preventive Medicine, Addiction Medicine | |
1750622379 | JACQUELINE WHEELER-COLEMAN | NASHVILLE, TN | 615-394-3362 | Preventive Medicine, Public Health & General Preventive Medicine | |
1538287909 | LISA C JAMES | FRANKLIN, TN | 615-778-4066 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1457478521 | KAREN CHANDLER JOHNSON | MEMPHIS, TN | 901-448-5900 | Internal Medicine | |
1053315028 | WILLIAM WALTER JOHNSON | COLLIERVILLE, TN | 662-538-8009 | Preventive Medicine, Addiction Medicine | |
1982629952 | JOYCE JONES | MURFREESBORO, TN | Internal Medicine |