South Dakota NPI Finder Military Health Care Provider

Results: 1-23

The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.

NPIName NPI TypePrimary Practice AddressPhonePrimary Taxonomy
1699434381KIRSTEN NOEL ANDERSELLSWORTH AFB, SD605-385-3111Physician Assistant, Medical
1154564375TONYA ROSETTA CASTELLANOSAPO, AE0163-852-8148Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1306118799ELLIE V DIERKHISINGRAPID CITY, SD218-820-8674Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1326282138TARA LYNN DOMMERT-HARRISONRAPID CITY, SD813-758-5469Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1548403629MICHELLE L GRAYELLSWORTH AFB, SD605-385-3331Nurse Practitioner, Family
1578343109ANREI HALLEYBOX ELDER, SD260-760-7599Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1487012738MITCHELL HARKLEYELLSWORTH AFB, SDMilitary Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1558611103DARIN LEE HOKIELLSWORTH AFB, SD605-385-3002Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1124797402HYO TAC IMELLSWORTH AFB, SD605-385-6700Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1750524955GINA ANN LAUXELLSWORTH AFB, SD605-385-3664Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1275057754ADRIANNE RAE LITTLESELLSWORTH AFB, SD805-448-5566Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1649971532BRIANNA LYNN MIDDELELLSWORTH AFB, SD605-385-3419Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1922409655FRANKLIN MIRANDAEDWARDS, CA661-277-1130Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1104050624DIANE RAMIREZELLSWORTH AFB, SDMilitary Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1831756204BLAKE SAVAGEELLSWORTH AFB, SD605-385-6700Military Health Care Provider
1477264026KIMBERLY ANN SHEAELLSWORTH AFB, SD605-385-3111Physician Assistant, Medical
1003083916ARTHUR WALTER SPERLINGSALISBURY, NC941-941-2207Emergency Medical Technician, Basic
1306348917ELIAS Z TOHMEBOX ELDER, SD605-385-3267Student in an Organized Health Care Education/Training Program
1932567286MICHAEL JOHN-PAUL TRIANAELLSWORTH AFB, SD316-640-2150Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1710201553IVAN VICENTEELLSWORTH AFB, SD605-521-3502Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1811724495STORRM YAGGIEYANKTON, SD605-653-9499Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1073039889ANTHONY ZUNKERELLSWORTH AFB, SD605-385-3002Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians