Nevada NPI Finder Homemaker

Results: 1-50

The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.

NPIName NPI TypePrimary Practice AddressPhonePrimary Taxonomy
12355863061ST LOVE & LIFE CAREGIVERS, LLCLAS VEGAS, NV702-462-7779In Home Supportive Care
14278272371ST LOVE AND LIFE CAREGIVERS, LLCLAS VEGAS, NV702-463-7779Homemaker
1902554637A BETTER HOME CARE LLCLAS VEGAS, NV702-476-9283In Home Supportive Care
1588466130A SACRED HOME HEALTH CARE LLCLAS VEGAS, NV702-834-6560Home Health Aide
1619046703A SIMPLE SOLUTION LLCLAS VEGAS, NV702-388-1700In Home Supportive Care
1912774472NILSON ABADLAS VEGAS, NV305-609-4065Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1366922619MARIBEL ABAD PEREZLAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1972332955NUHAMIN ABAOLILAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1356909030LUJEIN ABBASLAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1366941783AMANDA KRISTINE ABBEYLAS VEGAS, NV702-544-3423Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1528758513PEETER ABDALMASEEHLAS VEGAS, NV702-367-0111Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1093218174SAFIYYAH A ABDUL RAHIMLAS VEGAS, NV317-658-2385Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1114578382REFAT MOHAMMAD ABDULBAKILAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1265249965NADYA ABDULFATTAHLAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1578134664MAHASIN ABDULLAHLAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1003691726MESERET ADMASU ABEBELAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1629831912ANTHONY ABERCROMBIALAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1417554825ABIGAIL MAE ABERNATHYRENO, NV775-348-0827Homemaker
1174894083ABIDING HOME CARE SERVICES INCLAS VEGAS, NV702-595-4805Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1992265607RITA ABOU ASSALILAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1255108957CAREN ABOURJELLYLAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1932876786MARIVI ABRAGANLAS VEGAS, NV702-562-2348Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1407452774TRAMIKA ABRAHAMLAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1770141848ALEXUS ABSTONNORTH LAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1336926484SAMAR ABU SHAKRA AL JTTLAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1669170361AC PERSONAL CARE LLCLAS VEGAS, NV702-769-2662In Home Supportive Care
1225788938ACE PERSONAL CARE LLCLAS VEGAS, NV702-483-6302Technician, Attendant Care Provider
1235785692GLORIA ACEBURENO, NV775-828-6420Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1790432318NICANOR ACEVEDOLAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1902577075NICOLE ACEVESLAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1881167773SAUNDRA ACKERMANNORTH LAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1588475743ANGEL ACOSTA BLANCOLAS VEGAS, NV808-359-5509Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1124521109ISABEL ACOSTALAS VEGAS, NV702-821-5019Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1346739836JASSIE ACOSTALAS VEGAS, NV702-562-3355Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1922561349NIVIA ACOSTALAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1588137962SAMUEL ACOSTA RODRIGUEZLAS VEGAS, NV702-883-3135Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1295358752SANDRA ACOSTARENO, NV775-828-6420Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1306307483SARAH ACOSTAPAHRUMP, NV775-513-6010Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1558879197KIRENIA ACOSTA VAZQUEZLAS VEGAS, NV702-716-4597Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1003447111VIVIANA ACOSTALAS VEGAS, NV702-665-5654Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1235991845ANOLAN ACOSTA-BLANCOLAS VEGAS, NV725-287-9681Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1891295705ANA LUCIA ACUNALAS VEGAS, NV702-504-0649Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1396200366MARIA ACUNAHENDERSON, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1942700935NADIA ADAMLAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1942700877ANDREA ADAMSLAS VEGAS, NV702-539-6701Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1376183715ANTHONY ADAMSLAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1376017830BETTY ADAMSLAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant
1104452945CRISTINA ADAMSLAS VEGAS, NV702-562-2348Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1114426509DIANE ADAMSLAS VEGAS, NV702-409-3924Technician, Personal Care Attendant
1396247680DOMONIQUE ADAMSLAS VEGAS, NVTechnician, Personal Care Attendant