The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.
NPI | Name | NPI Type | Primary Practice Address | Phone | Primary Taxonomy |
1487180121 | A KINGDOM FOR A HORSE LLC | MEREDITH, NH | 603-217-7981 | Physical Therapist | |
1134310949 | ACTION SPORTS & PHYSICAL THERAPY, LLC | WOLFEBORO, NH | 603-569-7972 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1073741526 | MELISSA ALLEN | SALEM, NH | 603-893-2900 | Physical Therapist | |
1790775534 | JUDY ELLEN ANTONELLI | SALEM, NH | 603-893-6872 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1043519242 | ERIN APO | SALEM, NH | 603-893-2900 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1215107115 | MATTHEW AUDIA | CARLSBAD, CA | 617-669-1071 | Physical Therapist, Neurology | |
1558067108 | HANNAH MARIE AZOTEA | PORTSMOUTH, NH | 603-431-4200 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1255415881 | BALANCE REHABILITATION AND HEALTH SCIENCE, LLC | WINDHAM, NH | 603-890-8844 | Physical Therapist | |
1467925164 | BARBARA B. DEMATTEO, PT | KEENE, NH | 603-358-9880 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1063616944 | DAVID R BARLOW | HANOVER, NH | 617-413-2628 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1992875504 | KAREN M BARROWS | NASHUA, NH | 603-882-6333 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1265669790 | BE FIT PHYSICAL THERAPY, LLC | HANOVER, NH | 603-653-0040 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1295921088 | BEDFORD GERIATRIC PHYSICAL THERAPY, LLC | BEDFORD, NH | 603-623-5300 | Physical Therapist, Geriatrics | |
1881876506 | KIRSTEN F BERTHIAUME | NEWMARKET, NH | 603-659-8623 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1588130504 | JACQUELINE BEVERLY | SALEM, NH | 855-390-7774 | Physical Therapist, Geriatrics | |
1255709135 | BENJAMIN C. BLANCHETTE | BEDFORD, NH | 603-472-8888 | Physical Therapist | |
1467251058 | BLUE TANG PHYSICAL THERAPY, LLC | CHESTER, NH | 603-275-9124 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1831599646 | BODY AND MIND PHYSICAL THERAPY, LLC | WINDHAM, NH | 603-458-7988 | Physical Therapist | |
1730652967 | KRISTOPHER M BOSELA | ITHACA, NY | 607-274-4159 | Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation | |
1669518338 | LINDA BOTOS | HUDSON, NH | 603-598-0729 | Physical Therapist | |
1841678760 | FELICIA BRODEUR | FARMINGTON, NH | 603-839-1034 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1841479326 | JOANN MARIE BROOKSPT | HAMPTON, NH | 603-433-4057 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1447543046 | KATHERINE CAMOSCIO | NASHUA, NH | 603-822-4500 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1912144676 | ANDREW CANNON | SALEM, NH | 603-893-2900 | Physical Therapist, Sports | |
1568533834 | BRANDT CAPONE | MANCHESTER, NH | 603-591-4932 | Physical Therapist, Sports | |
1336356625 | THERESA MARIE CATALANO | PELHAM, NH | 603-635-9856 | Physical Therapist, Neurology | |
1912199621 | MARK R CHAPUT | CONWAY, NH | 603-447-2533 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1083611719 | TAMMY E CIMINESI | BOW, NH | 603-774-8565 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1619194271 | JOSHUA ALAN CLELAND | HILLSBORO, NH | 603-785-5576 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1508215914 | KATERINA COLBURN | MANCHESTER, NH | 603-625-1864 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1851455810 | JENNIFER COLE | EXETER, NH | 603-772-0604 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1043355746 | DONNA BOGDAN CORDOVA | ATKINSON, NH | 603-362-6544 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1780191601 | CORNERSTONE PT ASSOCIATES,LLC | RAYMOND, NH | 603-895-6860 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1598996985 | SUSAN KIMBALL CORREIA | BEDFORD, NH | 603-626-4205 | Physical Therapist | |
1679664320 | IRENE C COTE | BEDFORD, NH | 603-472-8888 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1669196291 | STEPHANIE PAIGE CREEGAN | WINDHAM, NH | 603-432-9662 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1356522437 | NANCY CUERDON | BEDFORD, NH | 603-296-5652 | Physical Therapist | |
1144407537 | LEAH JEAN DAIGLE | MERRIMACK, NH | 603-424-1950 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1750347407 | MICHAEL F DELLORUSSO | SOMERSWORTH, NH | 603-692-6626 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1194069625 | SAMANTHA ANN DELP | SALEM, NH | 603-893-2900 | Physical Therapist | |
1710064514 | BARBARA B DEMATTEO | KEENE, NH | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | ||
1568666881 | ANNETTE JW DENISE | RAYMOND, NH | 603-895-2775 | Physical Therapist, Geriatrics | |
1497968416 | KIRSTIN DODGE | EXETER, NH | 603-775-7575 | Physical Therapist | |
1417404138 | MARGARET DONOVAN | NEW BOSTON, NH | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | ||
1497844096 | WILLIAM EDWIN DOOLEY | DOVER, NH | 603-740-2101 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1225320880 | JULIA C DORCI | SPRINGFIELD, MA | 603-329-4232 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1487764197 | KIMBERLY M DUBOIS | BEDFORD, NH | 603-626-4205 | Physical Therapist | |
1124342134 | BONNIE L ECKERMAN | NASHUA, NH | 603-459-2725 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1386450922 | ELITE CARE PHYSICAL THERAPY | WINDHAM, NH | 603-818-9339 | Clinic/Center, Physical Therapy | |
1174605513 | ERIC MATTHEW ELLINGSON | HANOVER, NH | 802-345-8644 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic |