The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.
NPI | Name | NPI Type | Primary Practice Address | Phone | Primary Taxonomy |
1003362997 | CHI HEALTH ST. ELIZABETH | LINCOLN, NE | 402-219-8000 | General Acute Care Hospital | |
1346297843 | CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL & MEDICAL CENTER | OMAHA, NE | 402-955-5400 | General Acute Care Hospital, Children | |
1700165743 | CHILDRENS PHYSICIANS CLINIC | OMAHA, NE | 402-955-7575 | General Acute Care Hospital, Children | |
1649228511 | CITY OF GENOA | GENOA, NE | 402-993-2283 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1417395955 | CITY OF GENOA | GENOA, NE | 402-993-2283 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1760589295 | COLUMBUS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL INC | COLUMBUS, NE | 402-564-7118 | General Acute Care Hospital | |
1912935602 | COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION | MC COOK, NE | 308-344-8303 | Medicare Defined Swing Bed Unit | |
1841204500 | COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION | MCCOOK, NE | 308-344-2650 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1881643484 | COMMUNITY MEDICAL CENTER, INC. | FALLS CITY, NE | 402-245-2428 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1497764559 | COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DISTRICT | SYRACUSE, NE | 402-269-2011 | Medicare Defined Swing Bed Unit | |
1013925924 | COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DISTRICT | SYRACUSE, NE | 402-269-2011 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1881632883 | COZAD COMMUNITY HOSPITAL | COZAD, NE | 308-784-2261 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1366531212 | CREIGHTON AREA HEALTH SERVICES | CREIGHTON, NE | 402-358-5715 | Medicare Defined Swing Bed Unit | |
1972697118 | CREIGHTON AREA HEALTH SERVICES | CREIGHTON, NE | 402-358-5715 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1114958337 | CREIGHTON SAINT JOSEPH REGIONAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEM, L.L.C. | OMAHA, NE | 402-449-4000 | General Acute Care Hospital | |
1326210592 | CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER PHYSICAL THERAPY | OMAHA, NE | 402-449-4244 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1063463958 | CRETE AREA MEDICAL CENTER | CRETE, NE | 402-826-2102 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1518918408 | CRETE AREA MEDICAL CENTER | CRETE, NE | 402-826-2102 | Medicare Defined Swing Bed Unit | |
1811079775 | DUNDY COUNTY HOSPITAL | BENKELMAN, NE | 308-423-2204 | Medicare Defined Swing Bed Unit | |
1093802688 | DUNDY COUNTY HOSPITAL | BENKELMAN, NE | 308-423-2204 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1275550196 | ERHLING BERQUIST HOSPITAL | PAPILLION, NE | 402-502-5346 | General Acute Care Hospital | |
1285676544 | FAITH REGIONAL HEALTH SERVICES | NORFOLK, NE | 402-371-4880 | General Acute Care Hospital | |
1457458556 | FATHER FLANAGAN'S BOYS' HOME | OMAHA, NE | 402-498-6509 | General Acute Care Hospital, Children | |
1689769382 | FILLMORE COUNTY HOSPITAL | GENEVA, NE | 402-759-3167 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1508956467 | FILLMORE COUNTY HOSPITAL | GENEVA, NE | 402-759-3167 | Orthopaedic Surgery | |
1588673578 | FRANCISCAN CARE SERVICES INC | WEST POINT, NE | 402-372-2404 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1235145392 | FRANCISCAN CARE SERVICES INC | WEST POINT, NE | 402-372-2404 | Medicare Defined Swing Bed Unit | |
1255334660 | FRANKLIN COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL | FRANKLIN, NE | 308-425-6221 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1821037938 | FREMONT HEALTH | FREMONT, NE | 402-721-1610 | General Acute Care Hospital, Rural | |
1922372416 | FUSION MEDICAL STAFFING | EAST STROUDSBURG, PA | 610-861-8080 | General Acute Care Hospital | |
1962475467 | GARDEN COUNTY HOSPITAL & NURSING HOME | OSHKOSH, NE | 308-772-3283 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1902014764 | NANCY S GONDRINGER | LINCOLN, NE | 402-489-6970 | General Acute Care Hospital | |
1114942869 | GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL | KEARNEY, NE | 308-865-2000 | Psychiatric Unit | |
1336184019 | GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL | KEARNEY, NE | 308-865-7100 | General Acute Care Hospital | |
1174504849 | GORDON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL | GORDON, NE | 308-282-0401 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1922051531 | GOTHENBURG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL | GOTHENBURG, NE | 308-537-3661 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1558910604 | GRAND ISLAND REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER | GRAND ISLAND, NE | 308-233-2688 | General Acute Care Hospital | |
1124035225 | HARLAN COUNTY HEALTH SYSTEM | ALMA, NE | 308-928-2151 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1336243583 | HENDERSON HEALTH CARE SERVICES, INC. | HENDERSON, NE | 402-723-4512 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1922106152 | HOWARD COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER | SAINT PAUL, NE | 308-754-4421 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1669568572 | HOWARD COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER | SAINT PAUL, NE | 308-754-4421 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1053464180 | HUMAN PERFORMANCE TESTING | WEST POINT, NE | 402-372-5580 | General Acute Care Hospital | |
1487015913 | MEGAN JANSSEN | LINCOLN, NE | 402-434-5600 | Nurse Anesthetist, Certified Registered | |
1477660397 | JEFFERSON COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER, INC. | FAIRBURY, NE | 402-729-3351 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1457448755 | JENNIE EDMUNDSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL | COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA | 712-396-6000 | General Acute Care Hospital | |
1538232244 | JENNIE M MELHAM MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER INC | BROKEN BOW, NE | 308-872-4100 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1982779641 | JENNIE M MELHAM MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER INC | BROKEN BOW, NE | 308-872-4100 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1285624825 | JOHNSON COUNTY HOSPITAL | TECUMSEH, NE | 402-335-3361 | General Acute Care Hospital, Critical Access | |
1841383148 | JOHNSON COUNTY HOSPITAL | TECUMSEH, NE | 402-335-3361 | Medicare Defined Swing Bed Unit | |
1881738243 | KELLY DEAN KADLEC | OMAHA, NE | General Acute Care Hospital, Children |