The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.
NPI | Name | NPI Type | Primary Practice Address | Phone | Primary Taxonomy |
1245969260 | RACHEL NICOLE BEILFUSS | NEW BERLIN, WI | 262-844-7681 | Physical Therapist | |
1720400062 | ERIC BENGTSON | ATTLEBORO, MA | 508-223-2300 | Physical Therapist | |
1063550002 | KELLI DONAHUE BENTSEN | ERIE, PA | 252-213-0001 | Physical Therapist | |
1811153398 | ANNA DUBYAGO BERG | CHAPEL HILL, NC | 919-968-3456 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1407404601 | JESSICA BERKLEY | CARY, NC | 919-290-2799 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1780838532 | JAN R BERNARD | ASHEVILLE, NC | 828-505-4886 | Physical Therapist | |
1033263637 | SUSAN P BESSEY | CHARLOTTE, NC | 704-575-2670 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1588275705 | BEYOND PHYSICAL THERAPY | RALEIGH, NC | 716-397-7528 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1336341262 | MELISSA LYNN BIEBER | RALEIGH, NC | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | ||
1467767400 | VANESSA MARIE BIEL | DAVIDSON, NC | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | ||
1881439917 | BIG MOVES PHYSICAL THERAPY | HOLLY RIDGE, NC | 607-624-8607 | Physical Therapist | |
1427274034 | EMILY JANE BJORNSTAD | MIDDLETOWN, RI | 401-367-0190 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1326556234 | KAYLA DAWN BLACK | DURHAM, NC | 919-684-8111 | Physical Therapist, Cardiopulmonary | |
1962985531 | AUBREY BLAKE | RAEFORD, NC | 727-373-8389 | Physical Therapist, Geriatrics | |
1922501840 | SYDNEY BLANKENSHIP | HUNTERSVILLE, NC | Physical Therapist | ||
1144701954 | TAYLOR DANIEL BLATTENBERGER | CARSON CITY, NV | 775-392-3689 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1093798605 | MINDY L BLITZER | FORT MILL, SC | 803-547-8128 | Physical Therapist | |
1871892745 | KAREN BOLYARD | GREENSBORO, NC | 336-540-1221 | Physical Therapist, Geriatrics | |
1891255527 | RIZALINA BONDOC | MONROE, NC | 704-690-0000 | Physical Therapist, Geriatrics | |
1275926438 | KATHRYN BOOTH | BOONE, NC | Physical Therapist, Neurology | ||
1306104773 | CHERYL F. BORDEN | APEX, NC | 919-363-8773 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1639336001 | LORI BORDEN | OXFORD, NC | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | ||
1588860290 | CAROL BORSMAN | SOUTHERN PINES, NC | 910-692-3367 | Physical Therapist, Geriatrics | |
1427457670 | SARAH BOSTON | EVANS MILLS, NY | 315-629-6255 | Physical Therapist | |
1891866315 | MICHELE LEE BOUDREAU | PINEVILLE, NC | 704-341-4247 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1104222785 | ANSLEY WALKER BOUTIN | HUNTERSVILLE, NC | 704-384-5520 | Physical Therapist | |
1942585203 | JANE ATKINSON BOWER | NORTH EAST, MD | 410-339-1960 | Physical Therapist | |
1871732156 | CAROLYN YVONNE BOWERS | FAYETTEVILLE, NC | 910-484-4653 | Physical Therapist | |
1396985800 | ROBIN S BOWERS | GREEN MOUNTAIN, NC | 907-841-7124 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1740466721 | KYNDALL L BOYLE | BOONE, NC | 828-459-6397 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1932320645 | AMY BRADLEY | PINEVILLE, NC | 704-889-7828 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1528693793 | CHERYL LYNN BRAMLETT | GREENSBORO, NC | 336-294-3338 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1922062165 | BRYAN EUGENE BRANDON | ADVANCE, NC | 336-940-6415 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1093427569 | STEVEN BRANTLEY | WAXHAW, NC | 803-547-1133 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1447084330 | DALTON WRIGHT BRAY | HERTFORD, NC | 252-337-4619 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1326770439 | GRAHAM BREITENSTEIN | INDIAN TRAIL, NC | 704-628-6053 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1821144841 | MICHELE ELIZABETH BREWER | PFAFFTOWN, NC | 336-922-5061 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1740287259 | DERRICK ANTONIO BRIDDELL | ZEBULON, NC | 252-367-1118 | Physical Therapist | |
1710269790 | ADAM DALE BRIDGES | WAYNESVILLE, NC | 828-452-1306 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1497270136 | JEAN TRAUBERT BRIDGES | DURHAM, NC | Physical Therapist, Geriatrics | ||
1215674056 | CASSANDRA BRIGGS | KAILUA KONA, HI | 808-329-7744 | Physical Therapist | |
1992117931 | BRIGHTER DAY THERAPLAY HOUSE | CHARLOTTE, NC | 704-983-5437 | Occupational Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1376620518 | BRIGHTER DAY THERAPLAY LLC | CHARLOTTE, NC | 704-452-0245 | Occupational Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1336827682 | SHERYL SCHUCK BROADRIGHT | RALEIGH, NC | 919-805-0083 | Physical Therapist, Pediatrics | |
1639814106 | LEIGH BROGDON | CHARLOTTE, NC | 336-906-5114 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1477286235 | CHRISTOPHER RYAN BROOKS | SHELBY, NC | 704-345-2949 | Physical Therapist, Sports | |
1689232191 | GRACE BROOKS | WILMINGTON, NC | 910-763-8286 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic | |
1003641960 | SIDNEY DAVIS BROOKS | WINSTON SALEM, NC | 336-659-8634 | Physical Therapist | |
1457728644 | VANESSA BROOKS | WINSTON-SALEM, NC | 336-713-6038 | Physical Therapist, Sports | |
1780331124 | TERRENCE BROPHY | RALEIGH, NC | 860-951-8100 | Physical Therapist, Orthopedic |