North Carolina NPI Finder Poetry Therapist

Results: 1-7

The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.

NPIName NPI TypePrimary Practice AddressPhonePrimary Taxonomy
1770867004ALL STARS TODAY (AST) LLCMATTHEWS, NC267-639-7748
1699371021ASHLEY GRIERCHARLOTTE, NC704-712-0483Massage Therapist
1629876446J&E WHITE ENTERPRISES LLCGREENSBORO, NC704-798-5688Counselor, Mental Health
1467008060CHRISTEN MILLERFAYETTEVILLE, NC910-578-5458Counselor, Mental Health
1841798584SHAKEEMA PRIESTERDURHAM, NC919-824-5728Counselor, Mental Health
1255770327AMBER EGYPT STEWARTDURHAM, NC919-220-5255Poetry Therapist
1801453063THE NOEL HOUSEFAYETTEVILLE, NC910-502-4611Case Management