Michigan NPI Finder Emergency Medical Technician, Basic - Page 2

Results: 51-100

The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.

NPIName NPI TypePrimary Practice AddressPhonePrimary Taxonomy
1144365206KRISTEN JANE SMITHKALAMAZOO, MI268-372-0180Emergency Medical Technician, Basic
1497122881KYLE ANDRE ST. PETERSTERLING HEIGHTS, MI586-747-7859Specialist/Technologist, Athletic Trainer
1982326237PARKER RAY H-E STAGERGRAND RAPIDS, MIEmergency Medical Technician, Basic
1649924283SENTA SWARTWESTLAND, MI160-261-6027Emergency Medical Technician, Basic
1164825626TENEAK WEEMSSOUTHFIELD, MI248-559-5683Case Manager/Care Coordinator
1487302287NICOLE WHITEPONTIAC, MI800-231-1127Emergency Medical Technician, Basic
1669731998MICHAEL ANTHONY WILKSAINT IGNACE, MI906-430-1887Emergency Medical Technician, Basic
1922794544KIASHA MAKIA WOHLFORDFLINT, MI810-339-6942Emergency Medical Technician, Basic