The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.
NPI | Name | NPI Type | Primary Practice Address | Phone | Primary Taxonomy |
1528260882 | MICHAEL R ANDERSON | SOUTH PORTLAND, ME | 207-767-0339 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1558323543 | TEMUJIN TOM CHAVEZ | FLORENCE, SC | 843-674-6400 | Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease | |
1588329304 | CASIDHE CAITLIN DANIELS | FORT SAM HOUSTON, TX | 210-916-4141 | Military Health Care Provider | |
1992907075 | CLARA YAJAHIRA DAVIS | MILTON, FL | 858-431-6030 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1770274151 | LUKE DECKERT | SOUTHWEST HARBOR, ME | 207-244-4678 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1518610526 | SETH WILLIAM ECKENROTH | PORTSMOUTH, NH | 207-438-6650 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1720265101 | WILLIAM EICKHOFF | BRUNSWICK, ME | 207-921-2535 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1649547530 | MICHELE L FREDERICK | SKOWHEGAN, ME | Military Health Care Provider | ||
1780702944 | BRADLEY IVAN GALLIMORE | BRUNSWICK, ME | 207-921-1621 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1588789382 | TERRY GLENN GRAY | SOUTH BERWICK, ME | 207-457-5442 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1861753030 | SPENCER GREY | OQUOSSOC, ME | 703-232-2733 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1508836685 | TRISHA ELLEN KILIANY | GIG HARBOR, WA | 360-402-5767 | Nurse Anesthetist, Certified Registered | |
1376063859 | DARYL VISTA LUMAGUI | PORTSMOUTH, NH | 207-438-2450 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1912076704 | KENNETH KEVIN MCCARTNEY | FPO, AE | 860-694-4644 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1740719814 | JERRICSON BARLIS PERALTA | KITTERY, ME | 207-438-1781 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1780180364 | MACK YI QIN | KITTERY, ME | 207-438-1828 | Military Health Care Provider | |
1235801085 | STEPHANIE REQUENA | SOUTHWEST HARBOR, ME | 207-244-4678 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1356315097 | EMILIE SCHMIDT | BRUNSWICK, ME | 910-381-5375 | Physical Therapist, Sports | |
1891810776 | DAVID SELBY | KITTERY, ME | 207-438-5970 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1164015442 | JACOB HARTRY SPRINGER | KITTERY, ME | 207-438-4940 | Military Health Care Provider | |
1558658757 | GARY JAMES SWEET | SPRINGVALE, ME | 607-331-9683 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman |