The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.
NPI | Name | NPI Type | Primary Practice Address | Phone | Primary Taxonomy |
1437664901 | A NEW BEGINNING ACHIEVEMENT CENTER | SOMERSET, KY | 606-383-1040 | Community Health Worker | |
1942772298 | KELLY ABNER | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8752 | Community Health Worker | |
1053060897 | HAYLIE ABNEY | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1083384945 | SHERAE ABSHER | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1841989324 | BRANDON ADAMS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1992553044 | BRITTANY ADAMS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1407687221 | COURTNEY ADAMS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1780412643 | JASMINE ADAMS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1740975481 | JERRY ADAMS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1396169850 | JESSICA ADAMS | HAZARD, KY | 606-436-5761 | Community Health Worker | |
1992451710 | JOSHUA ADAMS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1699547968 | MELISSA ADAMS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1760177406 | SAVANAH ADAMS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1285123877 | STEPHANIE ADAMS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1407628779 | TEANDRA ADAMS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1265900401 | JULIA ADDINGTON | LEXINGTON, KY | 859-253-1686 | Community Health Worker | |
1497507248 | AMANDA ADDISON | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1558093864 | CYNDI ADKINS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1831661180 | JOSHUA ADKINS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1144839176 | LOGAN ADKINS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1851981559 | MEGAN ADKINS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1184934127 | NADA ADKINS | HAZARD, KY | 606-436-5761 | Community Health Worker | |
1114672243 | RACHEL AHMED | ASHLAND, KY | 606-326-2877 | Community Health Worker | |
1033831391 | GABRIELLE AKERS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1235617481 | KELSEA S AKERS | LEXINGTON, KY | 859-253-1686 | Community Health Worker | |
1144036526 | KIM AKERS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1124765748 | TIFFANY AKERS | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1265955488 | AKME DRUG TESTING LLC | CATLETTSBURG, KY | 606-324-0404 | Community Health Worker | |
1023731155 | JARED ALBRIGHT | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1003571340 | KACEY ALCORN | LEXINGTON, KY | 859-253-1686 | Community Health Worker | |
1346416328 | KATHY PAULINE ALEXANDER | FLORENCE, KY | 859-282-6634 | Developmental Therapist | |
1407451842 | SARAH ALEXANDER | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1144629551 | SHARON ALEXANDER | LEXINGTON, KY | 859-412-2194 | Case Manager/Care Coordinator | |
1972165512 | JOSHUA ALFORD | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1841896800 | ALLISON ALLEN | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1285969378 | CARLETTA LYNN ALLEN | SHELBYVILLE, KY | 502-232-0432 | Nurse's Aide | |
1306677125 | LORI ALLEN | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1700495736 | TRAVIS ALLEN | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1013663830 | VICTORIA ALLEN | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1477255511 | VICTOR ALOISIO | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1609104322 | KATHRYN ALSUP | LOUISVILLE, KY | Community Health Worker | ||
1851696207 | DEBRA AMBURGEY TEAGUE | HAZARD, KY | 606-436-5761 | Community Health Worker | |
1073072989 | BRANDI ANDERSON | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 600-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1477025732 | REPHARD ANDERSON | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1316256878 | TAMI ANDERSON-WATTS | HAZARD, KY | 606-436-5796 | Community Health Worker | |
1710475991 | MARY ELIZABETH ARMISTEAD | LEXINGTON, KY | 859-253-1686 | Community Health Worker | |
1346708559 | CHESI ARNETT | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1922671296 | NATHANIEL ARNETT | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1578232302 | SHARON ARNETT | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker | |
1053055871 | SHAWNA ARNETT | PRESTONSBURG, KY | 606-886-8572 | Community Health Worker |