The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.
NPI | Name | NPI Type | Primary Practice Address | Phone | Primary Taxonomy |
1831664119 | ALOHA WELLNESS INC. | LENEXA, KS | 913-481-2667 | Massage Therapist | |
1598221061 | GINGER MARIE ANDERSON | OVERLAND PARK, KS | 913-927-3077 | Massage Therapist | |
1790399376 | MIRESHA ANDREWS | WICHITA, KS | 316-993-6779 | Massage Therapist | |
1740098631 | JESSICA ARTERBURN | OVERLAND PARK, KS | Massage Therapist | ||
1720892615 | MIA BAILEY-HOUSE | OVERLAND PARK, KS | 913-271-6837 | Massage Therapist | |
1831600964 | SAMANTHA BAKER | ELLIS, KS | Massage Therapist | ||
1174033708 | DEIDRE JOY BANAHAN | BELLEVILLE, KS | 785-955-2233 | Massage Therapist | |
1578071437 | TINA BARNER SMITH | OLATHE, KS | 913-938-4786 | Massage Therapist | |
1114768504 | JENNIFER BASGALL | HAYS, KS | 785-628-2105 | Massage Therapist | |
1255049607 | SAMUEL CRAIG BEECHER | LAWRENCE, KS | 785-551-2485 | Massage Therapist | |
1720610173 | ROBERT BINGHAM | OVERLAND PARK, KS | 913-660-8634 | Massage Therapist | |
1548405988 | DEANNA ROSE BISHOP | WICHITA, KS | 316-807-4804 | Massage Therapist | |
1366063745 | AIMEE MARIE BONO | MERRIAM, KS | 816-898-2620 | Massage Therapist | |
1093302929 | KAYLIE BURKE | WICHITA, KS | 316-339-8769 | Massage Therapist | |
1871047175 | STEPHANIE BUSETTI | LENEXA, KS | Massage Therapist | ||
1023824141 | PAMELA ANN CACHO-RIVERA | KANSAS CITY, KS | 913-689-8891 | Massage Therapist | |
1659973212 | RUBY NAOMI CAMARENA | WICHITA, KS | 913-309-2885 | Massage Therapist | |
1457662488 | KATIE ANN CARLSON | PARKER, CO | 620-212-3533 | Massage Therapist | |
1699422923 | ALICIA CHANCE | LAWRENCE, KS | 785-550-7734 | Massage Therapist | |
1174260236 | VALERIE CIZEK | WICHITA, KS | 316-293-9515 | Massage Therapist | |
1508575572 | JESSICA MARIE CLOUGHLY | KANSAS CITY, MO | 816-933-8070 | Massage Therapist | |
1063838191 | KRISTY COLLEY | OVERLAND PARK, KS | 816-793-0152 | Massage Therapist | |
1629600077 | KIMBERLY CRAWFORD | OLATHE, KS | 913-660-8634 | Massage Therapist | |
1588424824 | GAVIN CHANCELOR CRUMP | KANSAS CITY, MO | 816-582-7933 | Massage Therapist | |
1659842474 | JEFF DAILEY | OLATHE, KS | 913-440-4142 | Massage Therapist | |
1285282509 | VANITIE RACHELLE DAVIES | MANHATTAN, KS | 785-532-6544 | Massage Therapist | |
1154917888 | KAHABI MPEMBA DEREFA | WICHITA, KS | Massage Therapist | ||
1912724170 | DARIUS KEVON DODSON | KANSAS CITY, MO | 832-771-1543 | Massage Therapist | |
1689282170 | CATHERINE SUE EDDLEMAN | GOODLAND, KS | 785-821-1827 | Massage Therapist | |
1275146805 | RACHEL E FRACASSA | MERRIAM, KS | 816-838-1121 | Midwife | |
1447536032 | SHARON FRIEDMAN | LEAWOOD, KS | 913-491-0111 | Massage Therapist | |
1366586695 | OLIVIA H. GALLAGHER | SHAWNEE, KS | 913-962-7408 | Massage Therapist | |
1932713377 | ARRIANNA NOEL GOFF | LEAVENWORTH, KS | 816-933-8593 | Massage Therapist | |
1477299493 | RAUL ALEJANDRO GONZALEZ DE LA ROSA | OVERLAND PARK, KS | 972-330-1870 | Massage Therapist | |
1780458448 | ROBIN STEPHANIE GUSTAVUS | KANSAS CITY, MO | 907-301-5814 | Massage Therapist | |
1508686734 | SARA K HADL | LAWRENCE, KS | Massage Therapist | ||
1093580474 | MALORI HENRY | HOLTON, KS | 785-294-2725 | Massage Therapist | |
1518700012 | MELISSA HERTZ | MANHATTAN, KS | 269-492-4850 | Massage Therapist | |
1871073049 | JENNIFER HIBBARD | MANHATTAN, KS | 785-532-6544 | Massage Therapist | |
1912778986 | YVETTE R HINOJOSA | EDGERTON, KS | 913-313-9349 | Massage Therapist | |
1780355941 | RACHEL IRENE HOCKENBARGER | TOPEKA, KS | 785-272-8559 | Massage Therapist | |
1306533104 | YODORA YEVETTE HOLLINS | WICHITA, KS | 316-655-2301 | Massage Therapist | |
1063602456 | LORENZO T. HUGHES | KANSAS CITY, MO | 816-876-9213 | Massage Therapist | |
1588394431 | ICT MASSAGE LLC | WICHITA, KS | 316-737-0160 | Massage Therapist | |
1144950874 | CAITLYN DANAE IDLEMAN | WICHITA, KS | 316-737-0160 | Massage Therapist | |
1578201745 | STEPHEN JACOBY | MISSION, KS | 303-525-7658 | Massage Therapist | |
1598809816 | KATIE S. JONES | SHAWNEE, KS | 913-962-7408 | Massage Therapist | |
1245792076 | ASHLEY DOYLE KHEMRAJ | LENEXA, KS | 913-349-7436 | Acupuncturist | |
1609463843 | TERESA KINERK | OLATHE, KS | 913-322-0251 | Massage Therapist | |
1265190482 | BIANCA KINNEY | LEAWOOD, KS | 816-510-2202 | Massage Therapist |