Idaho NPI Finder Military Health Care Provider

Results: 1-38

The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.

NPIName NPI TypePrimary Practice AddressPhonePrimary Taxonomy
1093943870DANDY RAE AARONMOUNTAIN HOME, ID208-828-7313Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1043714942SETH E ALLANMOUNTAIN HOME AFB, IDMilitary Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1972813400STACEY KAREN BAYSTWIN FALLS, ID208-420-4961Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1760626584CASEY LEE BURNSMOUNTAIN HOME A F B, ID208-828-3604Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1649530924SHELLEY CARTERMOUNTAIN HOME AFB, ID208-828-7401Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1265015770SABLE DARLINGAPO, AE314-226-8359Nurse Practitioner, Family
1942430178JOE CABALHIN DITTMANMOUNTAIN HOME A F B, ID208-832-1067Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1942072145ZANE ELLIOTTMOUNTAIN HOME AFB, ID208-828-7401Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1386835585JUSTIN FOWLERBOISE, ID208-302-3900Surgery, Surgical Critical Care
1932942323ERIC NATHAIN GALINDOMOUNTAIN HOME AFB, ID208-828-7900Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1891224473JARED GETZLAFFMOUNTAIN HOME AFB, IDMilitary Health Care Provider
1851528392AMY JO GLOVERMOUNTAIN HOME A F B, ID208-828-7401Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1265203277JACOB RYAN HATHAWAYBOISE, IDMilitary Health Care Provider
1881824159OMAR D HERNANDEZ SOLANOMOUNTAIN HOME A F B, ID208-828-7401Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1598298135ZACK HUNTERMOODY AFB, GA229-257-5281Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1639674328NORMAN REYNOLDS HURSTMOUNTAIN HOME AFB, ID208-828-7401Family Medicine
1528551751RYAN D KAINRATHMOUNTAIN HOME, ID630-788-5482Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1194959908JOSEPH PAUL KEDDIEMOUNTAIN HOME A F B, ID912-592-6614Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1538802830KATHLEEN L LACASSEMOUNTIAN HOME AFB, ID860-921-6527Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1760224331KATHARYN BRANDI LACREBEND, OR541-977-7078Preventive Medicine, Public Health & General Preventive Medicine
1942533419KRISTEN ANNE LEWISMOUNTAIN HOME A F B, ID208-728-7401Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1447480686JULIAN KEITH LITTLEMOUNTAIN HOME, ID208-590-4890Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1518101245DANE A. LOOMANMOUNTAIN HOME A F B, ID208-828-3604Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1306070446BRANDI ADELE MACKEYMOUNTAIN HOME, ID505-264-9784Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1407086473JEFFRIE NEIL MAYBERRYMOUNTAIN HOME A F B, ID208-828-7100Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1083603229SHANE NATHANIEL MCCAULEYBOISE, ID208-302-7600Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine
1114590395JAELYN DAVINA OXLEYWEISER, ID951-907-5212Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman
1669765871APRIL DENISE PACIOTTIMOUNTAIN HOME A F B, ID208-828-7269Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1174862692DENNIS JACOB REUTERMOUNTAIN HOME AFB, ID360-304-2048Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1093913402EDGAR OMAR RODRIGUEZCALDWELL, ID208-602-7014Military Health Care Provider
1659535466NIKKI RYAN SANTIAGOMERIDIAN, ID208-898-9999Specialist/Technologist, Other
1750791471ERIK DAVID SIBBERNSENEAGLE, ID208-473-3275Internal Medicine
1700381175ERIN SIEBERTBOISE, ID425-502-0789Military Health Care Provider
1689985897DATHAN J SPINNEYMOUNTAIN HOME AFB, ID208-828-7401Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1164248696THOMAS DAVID STOHELIONA, ID801-624-0111Naturopath
1326311259MATTHEW TURNERMOUNTAIN HOME, ID830-560-0289Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1861800096TYREE WOLFMOUNTAIN HOME AFB, ID210-828-7401Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians