Iowa NPI Finder Clinical Medical Laboratory - Page 3

Results: 101-150

The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.

NPIName NPI TypePrimary Practice AddressPhonePrimary Taxonomy
1790874394WHITE DRUG ENTERPRISES INCWEBSTER CITY, IA515-832-4137Pharmacy, Community/Retail Pharmacy
1871934679WHITE DRUG ENTERPRISES INCDECORAH, IA563-382-8765Pharmacy, Community/Retail Pharmacy
1518056118WHITE DRUG ENTERPRISES INCCLEAR LAKE, IA641-357-5271Pharmacy, Community/Retail Pharmacy
1982793584WHITE DRUG ENTERPRISES INCSPENCER, IA712-262-1523Pharmacy, Community/Retail Pharmacy
1609965201WHITE DRUG ENTERPRISES INCDENISON, IA712-263-4646Pharmacy, Community/Retail Pharmacy
1275875262WHITE DRUG ENTERPRISES INCCLARION, IA515-532-6626Pharmacy, Community/Retail Pharmacy
1699195628WHITE DRUG ENTERPRISES, INC.POCAHONTAS, IA712-335-3119Pharmacy, Community/Retail Pharmacy
1801228556WHITE DRUG ENTERPRISES, INC.PAULLINA, IA712-949-3490Pharmacy, Community/Retail Pharmacy
1073617080WOODBURY COUNTY GOVERNMENTSIOUX CITY, IA712-279-6119Clinical Medical Laboratory
1093460875XPRESS COVID CARE INCDES MOINES, IAClinical Medical Laboratory