The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.
NPI | Name | NPI Type | Primary Practice Address | Phone | Primary Taxonomy |
1306074570 | JAMES P MOONEY | ORANGE, CT | 203-795-3986 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1851340046 | GEORGE W MOORE | GLASTONBURY, CT | 860-633-9769 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1801913884 | LARRY MOY | FRANKLIN, TN | 615-778-4066 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1881836559 | NAUMAN JAMEEL MUFTI | FARMINGTON, CT | 860-678-9900 | Preventive Medicine, Public Health & General Preventive Medicine | |
1699710269 | SANDOR NAGY | CHESHIRE, CT | 203-271-2179 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1538423488 | MICHAEL JOHN NASO | DERBY, CT | 203-732-1330 | Internal Medicine | |
1437702784 | NEW ENGLAND HEALTHCARE LLC | GUILFORD, CT | 203-972-7766 | Family Medicine | |
1386733988 | PATRICK O'CALLAHAN | ANAHEIM, CA | 714-978-7488 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1114360567 | SYLVIA IFEYINWA ONYENSOH | NASHVILLE, TN | 703-962-0595 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1619279379 | BARRY STUART OSTROFF | WESTPORT, CT | 203-454-9507 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1306978788 | JOSEPH PACHMAN | WESTON, CT | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | ||
1841027653 | PAI CT PLLC | MIDDLETOWN, CT | 860-322-6712 | Preventive Medicine, Addiction Medicine | |
1972323061 | PAI MEDICAL WV PLLC | MIDDLETOWN, CT | 860-322-6712 | Psychiatry & Neurology, Psychiatry | |
1366269946 | PAI NJ PC | MIDDLETOWN, CT | 860-322-6712 | Psychiatry & Neurology, Psychiatry | |
1043039142 | PAI OH LLC | CINCINNATI, OH | 860-322-6712 | Preventive Medicine, Addiction Medicine | |
1851418859 | KATHRYN M PAPADIKIS | WALLINGFORD, CT | 615-778-4066 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1225150121 | STEVEN R PARKS | FORT LAUDERDALE, FL | 954-941-6301 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1457547903 | NIRMAL PATEL | HAMDEN, CT | 203-407-3550 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1255926358 | PEACEFUL MIND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH & WELLNESS, LLC | BRISTOL, CT | 860-281-2280 | Counselor, Mental Health | |
1568580132 | VALERIE W PECKINGHAM | WALLINGFORD, CT | 203-265-3280 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1871695114 | GEORGE A PERDRIZET | NEW BRITAIN, CT | 860-584-8379 | Surgery | |
1871624999 | JAMES J PETRELLI | GLASTONBURY, CT | 860-657-8289 | Internal Medicine | |
1871022426 | JENNIFER C. PIERRE | NEW HAVEN, CT | 203-806-5152 | Naturopath | |
1871681619 | JAY R POLINER | HARTFORD, CT | 860-545-7596 | Family Medicine | |
1003443185 | PURSUECARE CONNECTICUT PC | MIDDLETOWN, CT | 860-317-5251 | Psychiatry & Neurology, Psychiatry | |
1649008962 | PURSUECARE ME LLC | MIDDLETOWN, CT | 860-322-6712 | Psychiatry & Neurology, Psychiatry | |
1851067524 | PURSUECARE NEW JERSEY PC | VOORHEES, NJ | 860-322-6712 | Counselor, Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) | |
1316775919 | PURSUECARE NH LLC | MIDDLETOWN, CT | 860-322-6712 | Psychiatry & Neurology, Psychiatry | |
1679307029 | PURSUECARE PENNSYLVANIA PLLC | MIDDLETOWN, CT | 860-322-6712 | Clinic/Center, Adult Mental Health | |
1255064135 | PURSUECARE WEST VIRGINIA PLLC | MORGANTOWN, WV | 860-322-6712 | Preventive Medicine, Addiction Medicine | |
1386478741 | PURSUECARE WV PLLC | MIDDLETOWN, CT | 860-322-6712 | Clinic/Center, Adult Mental Health | |
1962068296 | PURSUECARE, LLC | MIDDLETOWN, CT | 860-322-6712 | Counselor, Professional | |
1679618581 | QUINNIPIACK VALLEY HEALTH DISTRICT | NORTH HAVEN, CT | 203-248-4528 | Clinic/Center, Health Services | |
1881031391 | SANDRA RAFF | RIDGEFIELD, CT | 203-894-5065 | Preventive Medicine, Public Health & General Preventive Medicine | |
1942282686 | CARRIE A REDLICH | NEW HAVEN, CT | 203-785-2817 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1932421526 | REDWOOD WELLNESS PARTNERS LLC | WILTON, CT | 203-504-9231 | Preventive Medicine, Public Health & General Preventive Medicine | |
1508015959 | DAVID MANNING REED | NEW CANAAN, CT | 203-966-1808 | Preventive Medicine, Public Health & General Preventive Medicine | |
1841648060 | VERA REED | OLD LYME, CT | 860-833-6376 | Massage Therapist | |
1356906002 | DARVE ROBINSON | CAMDEN, NJ | 848-288-6935 | Preventive Medicine, Addiction Medicine | |
1578576781 | GERALDINE S RUFFA | NEW LONDON, CT | 860-446-8265 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1285615591 | MARK B RUSSI | NEW HAVEN, CT | 203-785-4197 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1992944391 | CARINE J SAKR | WEST HAVEN, CT | 203-932-5711 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine | |
1821222472 | MANOJ K SAXENA | NORTH HAVEN, CT | 203-239-2727 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1376551739 | DANIEL SCHWARTZ | BRISTOL, CT | 860-585-3397 | Preventive Medicine, Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine | |
1114918828 | PAUL DAVID SEEMAN | GROTON, CT | 860-694-2377 | Family Medicine | |
1144208240 | ADAM SEIDNER | MIDDLETOWN, CT | 860-344-6300 | Family Medicine | |
1679274039 | SEVI CARES CT PLLC | WEST HAVEN, CT | 203-931-0034 | Nurse Practitioner, Psych/Mental Health | |
1316032931 | KENNETH WILSON SMEAD | NEW LONDON, CT | 860-437-3611 | Preventive Medicine, Aerospace Medicine | |
1902821267 | ALEXANDER BLAIR SMITH | MANCHESTER, CT | 860-647-4796 | Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine/Occupational Environmental Medicine | |
1679701882 | SOUTHERN CONNECTICUT GERIATRIC & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE LLC | NEW HAVEN, CT | 203-871-9224 | Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine |