Colorado NPI Finder Military Health Care Provider

Results: 1-50

The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.

NPIName NPI TypePrimary Practice AddressPhonePrimary Taxonomy
1538414040JOSEPH JAMES ADAMSKILITTLETON, CO303-886-1597Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman
1487212494JESSE JOSEPH ADAMSONFORT CARSON, CO719-526-5537Dentist
1669441036BRIAN AGEEPETERSON AFB, CO719-526-2273Preventive Medicine, Aerospace Medicine
1477526739JENNIFER MARTIN ALMYFORT CARSON, CO719-524-4052Family Medicine
1598248478JONATHAN WALTER ANDERSONFORT CARSON, CO352-682-0333Physician Assistant
1316587116CORI LEA ANDREWSCOLORADO SPRINGS, CO719-556-1260Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1386833242ANGELO JOSEPH APODACALAKEWOOD, CO303-987-4546Nurse Practitioner, Primary Care
1275971202MICHAEL ARGYLEUSAF ACADEMY, CO719-333-5962Family Medicine, Sports Medicine
1235605932ALEXANDROS ATHANASOPOULOSFORT CAMPBELL, KY270-798-8400Physician Assistant, Medical
1427261965HORACE LANNIS BAKERCOLORADO SPRINGS, CO719-526-7120Military Health Care Provider
1598438780KYLE WAYNE BARBERCOLORADO SPRINGS, CO719-556-1378Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1992490551TREVOR BARRYDAYTON, OH702-576-6625Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1093160665JEFFREY BEASTONUSAF ACADEMY, CO193-335-5187Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1316556590LAUREN MARIE BENTLEYJBER, AK907-384-8079Physician Assistant, Medical
1154897312ILEENE BERRIOSTACOMA, WA719-726-4700Physician Assistant, Medical
1063655140GREGORY S. BROOKSUSAFA, CO719-333-5187Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1912564519ERIN BUCKCRESTED BUTTE, CO970-648-0443Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman
1023476371TIFFANY BURTONUSAF ACADEMY, CO719-333-5462Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1912243239LERINDA KAY CARLECOLORADO SPRINGS, CO910-494-8196Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1700013380CURTIS E CLAWSONCOLORADO SPRINGS, CO716-474-3862Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1598463150WILLIAM ALAN PAUL COBURNTACOMA, WA253-968-0117Military Health Care Provider
1518289115RENEE JEAN COLEUSAF ACADEMY, COMilitary Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1184106692AUDREY B COLLINSAURORA, CO303-946-5221Counselor, Mental Health
1003370230KIMBERLY M COOKJACKSON, MS601-815-1312Physician Assistant
1427334069MEGAN T CORBETTCOLORADO SPRINGS, CO719-619-8496Nurse Practitioner, Family
1720582448CRISTINA COSNERPETERSON AFB, CO719-526-2273Military Health Care Provider
1528363124TODD ARTHUR COUSINSCOLORADO SPRINGS, CO719-310-3726Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman
1740776970CHELSEA M. CRUZPALMETTO, FL941-301-9575Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrics
1275009599MICHAEL DENKEWALTERFORT CARSON, CO719-526-7000Physician Assistant
1306334743ROBERT N DIPUPPOBUCKLEY AFB, CO720-847-9355Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1881838563JAMES EDWIN DIXONPUEBLO, COMilitary Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1215387865PHUONG NGOC DOTACOMA, WA303-332-9786Military Health Care Provider
1871050484ALEXANDER DORINAURORA, CO303-724-5000Military Health Care Provider
1659935054VASHTI Y ESPINOSAFORT COLLINS, CO970-494-4200Military Health Care Provider
1356685770NEDJET INDIRA FENIXLITTLETON, CO406-590-8632Advanced Practice Midwife
1841421252ALMON H. FOSTERU S A F ACADEMY, CO719-333-5183Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1851675011SUSANNE CLARIECE FRYCOLORADO SPRINGS, CO509-429-4783Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1205978558JULIE M GLOVERCOLORADO SPRINGS, CO719-556-9858Physician Assistant
1932342094DANIEL LUTHER GREENCOLORADO SPRINGS, CO707-365-6924Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1508104449LAYLA DENISE GREGORYUSAF ACADEMY, CO719-333-5950Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1831333996MANDY GRIMMCOLORADO SPRINGS, CO719-474-3862Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1255754214LYNOR DICANG HARDYCOLORADO SPRINGS, CO850-240-3552Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1003557307BENJAMIN CHARLES HERSCHGLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO970-945-1007Physician Assistant
1295576221GEANNA ELIZABETH HILLERFORT BLISS, TX915-742-4395Military Health Care Provider
1740417641DAVID ANDREW HOLMANCOLORADO SPRINGS, CO719-474-3862Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1245946581TIA NICOLE JOHNSONCASHION, OK405-204-4474Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians
1992051270KADIJATU KAKAYFORT CARSON, CO719-526-6767Nurse Practitioner, Family
1437672409STEPHEN A KARAGOSIANLOVELAND, CO970-624-2417Physician Assistant
1811331846JEFFREY T KAYMONTROSE, CO970-240-7229Pathology, Anatomic Pathology & Clinical Pathology