The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.
NPI | Name | NPI Type | Primary Practice Address | Phone | Primary Taxonomy |
1457584211 | WENDY SUE ABDALLA | LOS ANGELES, CA | 310-836-1223 | Recreation Therapist | |
1144091166 | LILIANA EMILY ACOSTA | EL CAJON, CA | Counselor, Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) | ||
1649284019 | GARY MARK AGCAOILI | RICHMOND, CA | 510-685-5206 | Recreation Therapist | |
1386275501 | RAYAN ALAMEDDINE | SYLMAR, CA | 747-210-3000 | Recreation Therapist | |
1932279536 | RANDI ALPERN | LOS ANGELES, CA | Recreation Therapist | ||
1699016303 | GABRIEL DANIEL ALVARADO | MERCED, CA | 925-428-1925 | Recreation Therapist | |
1376755561 | JOAN MARIE ANDERSON | SAN DIEGO, CA | 619-692-8241 | Recreation Therapist | |
1457110918 | CAMERON ANDRADE | LANCASTER, CA | 661-726-2850 | Recreation Therapist | |
1003964461 | RICHARD ARCHE | LOS ANGELES, CA | 323-981-4301 | Recreation Therapist | |
1497535504 | RAYLENE S ARMOUR | LOS ANGELES, CA | 323-719-4596 | Recreation Therapist | |
1336972728 | SAMANTHA A ARTEAGA | LONG BEACH, CA | 562-481-6860 | Recreation Therapist | |
1841941473 | ARTS & SERVICES FOR DISABLED, INC. | LONG BEACH, CA | Day Training, Developmentally Disabled Services | ||
1609585355 | JESSICA KYOMI AVILA | WESTMINSTER, CA | 714-514-3551 | Recreation Therapist | |
1548721210 | AIDAN BADUA | CAMARILLO, CA | 559-240-9691 | Recreation Therapist | |
1033978325 | KAYLEIGH JUNE BAKER | LANCASTER, CA | 661-726-2850 | Community Health Worker | |
1689080723 | MICHAEL BANYAR | LANCASTER, CA | 661-803-6568 | Specialist/Technologist, Athletic Trainer | |
1750155677 | JANEAL BANZHOFF | CHULA VISTA, CA | 619-691-8164 | Counselor, Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) | |
1437481868 | NADALIE BARNES | LA VERNE, CA | Recreation Therapist | ||
1457110751 | EDUARDO BAROCIO LOPEZ | LANCASTER, CA | 661-726-2850 | Community Health Worker | |
1104643337 | CARLOS ANDRES BARRAGAN | SACRAMENTO, CA | 916-320-8795 | Recreation Therapist | |
1942033345 | BRADLEY F BATES | EL CAJON, CA | Counselor, Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) | ||
1770704090 | NANCY M. BAZZETTA | SAN DIEGO, CA | 619-692-8241 | Recreation Therapist | |
1841960283 | SHARMEL JORDAN BENDER | MATHER, CA | 916-843-7000 | Recreation Therapist | |
1093032807 | ADAM S BENSON | TORRANCE, CA | 310-222-1648 | Recreation Therapist | |
1649823840 | BERENICE BERMUDEZ | COVINA, CA | 626-214-1480 | Recreation Therapist | |
1073036117 | REBECCA LYNN BERSHTEL | DOWNEY, CA | 562-385-6398 | Recreation Therapist | |
1376277475 | ELIZABETH BEST | SAN JOSE, CA | 140-821-6415 | Recreation Therapist | |
1669297586 | JADE BISCONER | TULARE, CA | 559-510-6460 | Recreation Therapist | |
1033264494 | BRIAN C BISHOP | FRESNO, CA | 559-960-0189 | Recreation Therapist | |
1063706224 | JENNIFER ANNE BIXLER | SAN DIEGO, CA | 619-692-8245 | Recreation Therapist | |
1003520222 | TERESA CHRISTINE BOEHM | PALO ALTO, CA | Recreation Therapist | ||
1699293910 | AMY CARYN BOLENBAUGH | LOS ANGELES, CA | Recreation Therapist | ||
1467159343 | SHARON BONILLA | HAWAIIAN GARDENS, CA | 909-552-3080 | Recreation Therapist | |
1013194653 | DAVID LEE BOOS | CHICO, CA | 530-894-5933 | Case Manager/Care Coordinator | |
1558183095 | MEGAN BOYCE | EL CAJON, CA | Counselor, Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) | ||
1710166376 | CRAIG RICHARD BRANDUM | SACRAMENTO, CA | 916-876-9359 | Recreation Therapist | |
1871659276 | SHERWOOD BROWN | THOUSAND OAKS, CA | 805-241-6505 | Recreation Therapist | |
1790414712 | LATARA TASHAI' BUCK | LOS ANGELES, CA | 424-454-6020 | Counselor, Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) | |
1871297564 | ANDREA DENISE BULLOCK | NORWALK, CA | 310-228-7577 | Recreation Therapist | |
1366619793 | KRISTINA BURGOS | LOS ANGELES, CA | 323-226-6424 | Recreation Therapist | |
1750121703 | LINDSEY Y CANALEZ | EL CAJON, CA | Emergency Medical Technician, Intermediate | ||
1326864604 | KARLA ELIZABETH CARDONA | EL CAJON, CA | Counselor, Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) | ||
1720848625 | VALYN CARENZA-PACK | LONG BEACH, CA | 562-285-1330 | Recreation Therapist | |
1073107405 | HEATHER CARGILL | SAN DIEGO, CA | 858-552-8585 | Marriage & Family Therapist | |
1881796670 | CYNTHIA LOUIE CHAN | SAN FRANCISCO, CA | 415-504-9353 | Recreation Therapist | |
1023235686 | STEPHEN SEWALL CHAPIN | SAN DIEGO, CA | 858-573-8984 | Recreation Therapist | |
1215012133 | MARGO ELAINE CHAPMAN | ARCADIA, CA | 626-821-4629 | Recreation Therapist | |
1376174599 | JEN CHAO CHEN | SYLMAR, CA | 747-210-3000 | Recreation Therapist | |
1588911754 | THERESA MARY GABRIELLE CHERN | SANTA MONICA, CA | 310-488-1232 | Recreation Therapist | |
1235289752 | KARIN DAWN CHILJIAN | FRESNO, CA | 559-600-6745 | Recreation Therapist |