The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.
NPI | Name | NPI Type | Primary Practice Address | Phone | Primary Taxonomy |
1902380264 | BRETT CHAMBERLAND | WASILLA, AK | 907-376-8020 | Massage Therapist | |
1447612056 | KAILEE CHAMPION | KODIAK, AK | 907-406-3153 | Massage Therapist | |
1376923490 | ERIN CHANEL | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-717-9741 | Massage Therapist | |
1346839479 | KAYLA CHAPMAN | PALMER, AK | 907-355-2785 | Massage Therapist | |
1447771142 | MARY CHARLES | ANCHORAGE, AK | Massage Therapist | ||
1790137339 | MELANIE CHARLEY | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-960-1661 | Acupuncturist | |
1962168351 | MELISSA MARIE CHERRY | PALMER, AK | 907-521-2993 | Massage Therapist | |
1538694153 | CHEZ SANTE | JUNEAU, AK | Massage Therapist | ||
1013496009 | CHRISTINE MARIE CHILDERS | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-248-2848 | Massage Therapist | |
1417307687 | CHELSEA CHILDRESS | JUNEAU, AK | 907-209-4545 | Massage Therapist | |
1801369996 | CHANEL CHING | WASILLA, AK | 907-376-8020 | Massage Therapist | |
1043793656 | JERRI ANN CHIVERS | KENAI, AK | 907-252-3911 | Massage Therapist | |
1730866740 | THOMAS HARRY CHIVERS | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-277-3422 | Massage Therapist | |
1780268797 | KATHERYNE CHRISTIAN | EAGLE RIVER, AK | 907-696-8020 | Massage Therapist | |
1093287146 | ANASTASIA CHRISTOFFERSEN | SOLDOTNA, AK | 281-732-6802 | Massage Therapist | |
1952093361 | ASHLEY MARIE CHUITT | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-917-9070 | Massage Therapist | |
1144818550 | CHRISTY CLARK | WASILLA, AK | 907-521-8002 | Massage Therapist | |
1720670698 | ELIZABETH MARIE CLARK | WASILLA, AK | 907-521-8002 | Massage Therapist | |
1548764731 | LAUREN ELIZABETH ANNE CLARKSON | SOLDOTNA, AK | 907-690-2892 | Massage Therapist | |
1306124235 | BLANCA CLAYPOOL | KODIAK, AK | 541-231-1530 | Massage Therapist | |
1508158221 | LARA JULIANNE CLEARY | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-375-0930 | Massage Therapist | |
1760028252 | STEFANI KATHERINE CLEMENTS | WASILLA, AK | 907-357-9590 | Massage Therapist | |
1851625339 | TRICIA LYN CLEMONS | SEWARD, AK | 907-362-2355 | Massage Therapist | |
1801242508 | VICTOR GARRETT CLONINGER | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-202-0895 | Massage Therapist | |
1437539244 | COLLEEN T COADIC | EAGLE RIVER, AK | 907-622-4154 | Massage Therapist | |
1114534179 | DONNA RENEE COBEN-HALL | FAIRBANKS, AK | 907-458-8633 | Massage Therapist | |
1679108005 | BRANDY COE | WASILLA, AK | 907-357-1818 | Massage Therapist | |
1306222336 | JAMI COLEMAN | EAGLE RIVER, AK | 907-854-4600 | Massage Therapist | |
1437871464 | STACY COLLIER | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-687-4886 | Massage Therapist | |
1275163156 | TAMARA BELL COLLINS | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-276-0777 | Massage Therapist | |
1689302119 | LISJANEIDYS COLON-PARRILLA | ANCHORAGE, AK | Massage Therapist | ||
1043693880 | EMMALIE COMAN | FAIRBANKS, AK | 907-750-8171 | Massage Therapist | |
1053795443 | COMMUNITY CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC, LLC | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-222-2100 | Massage Therapist | |
1215593116 | MEREDITH RHEA CONDON | ELIZABETH CITY, NC | 703-201-6495 | Massage Therapist | |
1588018055 | ZOEY CONNER | FAIRBANKS, AK | 907-388-5965 | Massage Therapist | |
1679018477 | ANGELIQUE ROSE CONRAD | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-274-2225 | Massage Therapist | |
1447953328 | SAMANTHA IRENE CONROY | ANCHORAGE, AK | 607-435-9336 | Massage Therapist | |
1659037851 | CONSCIENTIOUS BODYWORKS, LLC | PALMER, AK | 407-454-4766 | Massage Therapist | |
1609449164 | DEBRA COPENHARVE | ANCHORAGE, AK | Massage Therapist | ||
1760907844 | COPPER RIVER NATIVE ASSOCIATION | COPPER CENTER, AK | 907-822-8847 | Physical Therapist | |
1912632167 | COPPER RIVER NATIVE ASSOCIATION | COPPER CENTER, AK | 907-206-6812 | Massage Therapist | |
1700244548 | CALLEY CORCORAN | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-301-9509 | Massage Therapist | |
1912420407 | JOSHUA CORCORAN | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-885-7571 | Massage Therapist | |
1083115950 | KAYLEE GRACE COREY | WASILLA, AK | 907-521-8002 | Massage Therapist | |
1427754753 | JOYCE MARIE CORNELL | WASILLA, AK | 907-244-0187 | Massage Therapist | |
1689194565 | SOPHIA JUNE YOUNG CORNELL | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-229-0465 | Massage Therapist | |
1487847893 | DAVID VALENTINE COSGRAVE | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-337-4246 | Acupuncturist | |
1659906626 | KYLIE ELIZABETH COSTON | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-351-5438 | Massage Therapist | |
1841460524 | JESSICA COULLARD | JUNEAU, AK | 907-209-0866 | Massage Therapist | |
1548800212 | JENNIFER COX | FAIRBANKS, AK | 907-456-4234 | Massage Therapist |