The following NPI(s) contains information matching your search criteria. Please select the NPI number to view the data associated with the record.
NPI | Name | NPI Type | Primary Practice Address | Phone | Primary Taxonomy |
1427183771 | KATHERINE MARIE ADAMS ROGERS | KODIAK, AK | 907-487-5757 | Military Health Care Provider | |
1437718012 | CHRISTOPHER ALBERTS | FORT WAINWRIGHT, AK | 907-353-1207 | Military Health Care Provider | |
1851909634 | MARIA ISABEL APONTE TORRES | FORT WAINWRIGHT, AK | 907-353-1433 | Military Health Care Provider | |
1255801049 | JOSE EDWIN AVILES | ELMENDORF AFB, AK | 509-715-8291 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1710439575 | KAITLYN JESSICA BATHOLD | JBER, AK | 907-580-5808 | Advanced Practice Midwife | |
1104234285 | KAYLA BAXTER | JBER, AK | 907-580-2908 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1700042355 | RHODORA J BECKINGER | JBER, AK | 907-551-6508 | Military Health Care Provider | |
1215563473 | MADUSHANI WIJETUNGE BELT | LACKLAND AFB, TX | 210-916-9928 | Military Health Care Provider | |
1134355316 | RICHARD BENKOVICS | ELMENDORF AFB, AK | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | ||
1689800864 | PAUL E BENNETTS | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-677-8173 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1316556590 | LAUREN MARIE BENTLEY | JBER, AK | 907-384-8079 | Physician Assistant, Medical | |
1245734383 | ADRIANE BERGMANN | JBER, AK | 907-580-2778 | Physician Assistant | |
1689391294 | LAURA MARIE BOSTWICK | KODIAK, AK | Military Health Care Provider | ||
1598735300 | THALIA JEANNE BRENT | NORTH POLE, AK | 917-363-9387 | Nurse Practitioner, Family | |
1922160167 | MICHAEL DANIEL BRICKER | SITKA, AK | Military Health Care Provider | ||
1013253228 | KELSEY GENE BROOME | EIELSON AFB, AK | 907-337-6737 | Physician Assistant, Medical | |
1932580305 | APRIL MARIE BROWN | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-770-0862 | Registered Nurse | |
1639306947 | REBECCA K BURNS | JBER, AK | 907-551-2992 | Preventive Medicine, Aerospace Medicine | |
1447423314 | MARJORIE ESTHER BUTLER | SITKA, AK | Military Health Care Provider | ||
1851534184 | ANGELIA DEANNE CALDER | EIELSON AFB, AK | 907-377-6629 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1851853048 | JORDAN MATTHEW CATE | JBER, AK | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | ||
1730843673 | PAUL ANTHONY CAVALIER | KODIAK, AK | 907-487-5616 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1881253870 | ANN CHARLOT | FORT WAINWRIGHT, AK | 907-353-1433 | Preventive Medicine, Aerospace Medicine | |
1922235357 | DARRELL G CLEMENT | ELMENDORF AFB, AK | 907-551-4088 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1568973188 | JAMES PATRICK CONNER | FORT MOORE, GA | 706-604-0465 | Physician Assistant, Medical | |
1356871032 | KARINA CORTES | CHARLESTON AFB, SC | 843-963-6933 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1407311954 | JACOB CRAVENS | FORT WAINWRIGHT, AK | 907-361-5172 | Military Health Care Provider | |
1609914449 | ADAM D CRAVEY | KODIAK, AK | 907-487-5757 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1316535487 | SAMUEL WADE CUIDON | EIELSON AFB, AK | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | ||
1851163059 | JESSE CURTIS | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-551-9009 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1275009599 | MICHAEL DENKEWALTER | FORT CARSON, CO | 719-526-7000 | Physician Assistant | |
1770838948 | HEIDI DERADE | JBER, AK | 907-551-9009 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1821225913 | ALTON E DOE | EIELSON AIR FORCE BAS, AK | 907-377-4326 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1730957648 | CASSANDRA L DOUCET | JBER, AK | 603-307-9919 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1275030942 | TAYLOR PAGE DUPLESSIS | TACOMA, WA | 253-968-0117 | Pediatrics | |
1992016083 | JOSHUA LEE EATON | ANCHORAGE, AK | Family Medicine | ||
1982284964 | TOULA FARNSWORTH | EIELSON AFB, AK | 907-377-6526 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1205505591 | SARAH FAVORITE | ANCHORAGE, AK | 603-809-1692 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1336371574 | CAROLINE KANKANTON FINNEY | NAKNEK, AK | 907-246-2252 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1205558103 | ANTHONY CHARLES FLETES | EAGLE RIVER, AK | 817-343-2441 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1720575657 | LAURYN FOWLER | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-580-4242 | Pediatrics | |
1861093304 | RYAN GARCIA | JBER, AK | 203-832-2009 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | |
1588327258 | NATHAN GOODRICH | VALDEZ, AK | 907-835-7257 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1104393446 | MATTHEW GRAY | EIELSON AFB, AK | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Medical Technicians | ||
1598807588 | JUAN C GUEVARA | KODIAK, AK | 907-487-5616 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1376171595 | CLINTON DERRICK HARPER | JBSA FT SAM HOUSTON, TX | 210-916-8666 | General Practice | |
1013993948 | DAVID GRANVILLE HONG | KODIAK, AK | 907-487-5757 | Military Health Care Provider | |
1689727539 | ELAINE A. JERGONS | KODIAK, AK | 907-487-5166 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1114000130 | JEDIDIAH E. JOHNSON | HOMER, AK | 360-567-8238 | Military Health Care Provider, Independent Duty Corpsman | |
1225560964 | NATHAN MERRITT JONES | ANCHORAGE, AK | 907-551-2992 | Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine |